Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy 3rd birthday Tyler!

One of Ashlee's best buddies, Tyler, had his 3rd birthday celebration this past week. We had a great time joining him at Chuck-E-Cheese and House of Bounce (even though we were very late and missed all the bouncing). It seems like just yesterday the 3 amigos were little babies just laying on the floor! Now they are active, energetic toddlers running around. How time flies!
Little buddies

Blow your candles out Tyler!

Ashlee on the "merry-go-round"

me and my girlone of her favorites at Chuck-E-Cheese is this little bus. She loves the phone!

They are 3 and Tyler's already letting her ride on his motorcycle. Although, if he drives anything like his dad Ashlee will be doing most of the driving!

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