Sunday, September 26, 2010

Please don't go...

that's right summer, I'm talking to you.
I'm already missing fun at Cherry Creek...

Awesome tubing in Deckers...
Running through the sprinklers....

Fun at the playground...

Free raspberries from my little raspberry bush that sprouted up from the neighbor's!

My little peanut in a swimsuit! Nothing cuter...

Fingerpainting out on the back deck...

Backyard pool fun with friends...

not to mention the walks, bike rides, planting flowers, picnics, boating, breakfast out on the deck, butterflies, birdies, grasshoppers, more bike rides and walks, the zoo, the pool, driving with my sunroof open, drinking wine on the deck, sleepovers with cousins, putt putt golf, etc.

2 lucky girls

Last Wednesday, Ash and I were in a pretty bad car accident just down the street from our house on Smoky Hill and Tower Road. I was going through the intersection at about 40 (had a solid green) when this girl did a U-y right into me. I was going so fast and the impact was so great it threw us up over the curb, past the sidewalk and into the grass. I am so thankful that we didn't flip. I am so thankful that 6 years ago I decided to buy a big SUV. I am so thankful that it hit my side and not Ashlee's. I am thankful there were no cars when I swerved to the right. I am so thankful that my beutiful daughter was just scared and not hurt. I am so thankful that the other people were not hurt either.

And yes, I am super thankful they had insurance. :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sounds of Summer at Southlands

Ashlee and her adorable cousins, Camden and Kira, dancing away at Southlands. This was right before it POURED rain!

Visiting the fam in KS

Ash and I went out to KS for a week to see the fam. It had been since MAY in Estes Park that we'd seen them last, so we were in need of some serious Mammy, Papa, Aunt Lissa, Uncle Chris and the cousins time!

Some highlights of this trip....
1) My 85 year old grandpa had to have 4 stents put in his heart. The surgery went well and he was home 2 days later recooperating.
2) My dad had adopted and was taking care of a little 1 week old kitten. His name is Pocket Kitty cause he carries it around in the pocket of his shirt all the time.
3) Ashlee and Zach were inseperable. Seriously. There were HOURS I would not see her cause they were off playing.
4) Eli is running around like a champ. His head has yet to catch up with his body though. We call him our little bobble-head baby. :)
5) Lulu got out of the backyard back in CO and was "lost" for an entire night. Thank goodness for Craiglist and good, honest people.
6) My mom and I locked the keys and her entire purse in the car out at my grandparents farm (which is in the middle of NOWHERE)! Luckily the ATV had keys in it!! So mom, Ash and I rode to the neighbors house and called my dad to bring the spare key! It was quite an adventure.
7) We had a picnic at Lake Shawnee (I forgot my darn camera!) and I finally remembered that yes, Kansas can be beautiful! LOL! Ashlee, mammy and I took a little sailboat ride too. It was awesome weather and so pretty!
8) My sister and I took a drive past our childhood home. It was a little emotional, slightly surreal, and fricking hilarious! We got a kick out of the fact they've built homes over the old sewage pond! YUCK!
9) As my parents were driving to the airport, Ashlee loooked at my mom and said, "Well, I sure am going to miss you mammy." So special!

Mom, Dad and the grandkids!

Dad and Addison. I love this picture.

My parents hooked up the Gosa version of a water slide! It was pretty sweet and Ash and Zach loved it!Ash all wet!
Mom, Dad, grandma, grandpa and Ash 3 days after gpa's surgery

Here are a couple of pictures I took with my phone at Lake Shawnee. It was really very beautiful!

Oh boat, how we've missed you...

Our boat has been sitting in a field, rotting away for the past 3 1/2 years. Why? I have NO idea! I know once Ashlee was born we were nervous to take her out on it, but I'm not sure why we didn't get it out last summer. I mean seriously, who doesn't LOVE going boating????

We finally brough it home about a month ago and it needed some serious TLC before it could even get on the water. Bye bye $1300!!! When we first found out about the repairs it needed, Dale and I thought we were going to sell it before fall to help recoup the cost and pay for our cruise, etc etc. We took it out on CC res one night to "test it out" and "make sure it ran good". Well, we quickly changed our minds on selling it! We fell in love with our boat all over again and so did Ashlee. She had a ball driving it and thought it was hilarious that it could drive itself. Ashlee, of course, did not like to go fast so we putt-putted around CC and enjoyed the sunset.

So here's to many more years of enjoying our good ol' Glastron! YEAH!


OMG, we booked and have paid in FULL for a cruise in December! I'm so excited! Southern Carribbean here we come!

Super model

Ashlee has been fortunate enough to do a bit of modeling for my awesome photographer friend Sarah and another entreprenuer who makes adorable tutus, hair accessories, and ties for boys and girls. Just wanted to share a few shots from the session!

This one was with my camera phone. I wish it could take pics like Sarah's camera! LOL!

What we did most Tuesdays this summer...

The kiddos did alot of this....
We did some of this....
Us girls did a TON of this...

Oh, and my favorite part, some of THIS...

I have to add that this always came AFTER a great workout at the gym! I just loved having such a wonderful support system for excercising. It makes it so much more enjoyable! Danni, Sarah and I (later joined by Audra and her son Brooks) had such an awesome summer working out, eating (Sarah and Danni always made some wonderful dish while I picked up something at Wal-Mart!!!), watching the kiddos have a blast in the pool, and partaking in some fun of our own with our drink of the week! :)