Friday, April 17, 2009

Potty training 101...

I never took this class, so I've been putting the big PT off for months (even though I've known Ashlee has been ready). Then yesterday we went to Children's Place with my friend Brooke. Brooke has been bugging me for months to potty train Ashlee, and every time I just grumble "I know, I know". Well, when we were in the checkout lane a little plastic "purse" caught Ashlee's eye and she showed it to Aunt Brookey. It happened to be filled with 7 pairs of cute little panties (one for each day of the week). Good ol' Brookey took the bull by the horns and said, "Oh Ashlee, aren't those panties so cute? Do you want to be a big girl and wear BIG girl panties? Do you want to go peepee on the POTTY?" Well Ashlee was delighted with this idea and exclaimed "YES"! Then brought them over to me and basically told me she wanted to wear the panties.

To make a long story even longer, I bought the panties and as of last night we have begun potty training 101. I have to say, so far it is going much better than I thought it would! Ashlee is a pro and goes peepee on the potty pretty much every time I put her on it.  She just doesn't know to TELL us she needs to go yet. Oh, and how you get them to go #2 on there is a mystery to me! :) In due time I'm sure, in due time!

I'm pretty excited at how much money this is going to save me! :) Maybe I can finally buy that sectional I've had my eye on for MONTHS! HAHAHA!

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