Then, Saturday night she spent the night (that's right, SLEPT OVER) at her cousins Camden and Kira's house. I was a little nervous about how she would do. I didn't know if she would get upset come bedtime that I wasn't there and she wasn't in her bed, or if she would be in heaven with her new surroundings. Well, it turned out to be the latter of the two! Apparently my little princess did not go to bed until midnight because she was rolling around on the bed, laughing and talking up a storm! More good news, she only had one accident! The next day Kira told me how tired she was because she had to watch Ashlee ALL day and night. I couldn't help but laugh because I know exactly how she feels! Ashlee is so lucky to have such wonderful cousins, and of course a very special Aunt and Uncle (thank you Steven and Jen)!
Camden, Ashlee and Kira