Ash and I went out to KS for a week to see the fam. It had been since MAY in Estes Park that we'd seen them last, so we were in need of some serious Mammy, Papa, Aunt Lissa, Uncle Chris and the cousins time!
Some highlights of this trip....
1) My 85 year old grandpa had to have 4 stents put in his heart. The surgery went well and he was home 2 days later recooperating.
2) My dad had adopted and was taking care of a little 1 week old kitten. His name is Pocket Kitty cause he carries it around in the pocket of his shirt all the time.
3) Ashlee and Zach were inseperable. Seriously. There were HOURS I would not see her cause they were off playing.
4) Eli is running around like a champ. His head has yet to catch up with his body though. We call him our little bobble-head baby. :)
5) Lulu got out of the backyard back in CO and was "lost" for an entire night. Thank goodness for Craiglist and good, honest people.
6) My mom and I locked the keys and her entire purse in the car out at my grandparents farm (which is in the middle of NOWHERE)! Luckily the ATV had keys in it!! So mom, Ash and I rode to the neighbors house and called my dad to bring the spare key! It was quite an adventure.
7) We had a picnic at Lake Shawnee (I forgot my darn camera!) and I finally remembered that yes, Kansas can be beautiful! LOL! Ashlee, mammy and I took a little sailboat ride too. It was awesome weather and so pretty!
8) My sister and I took a drive past our childhood home. It was a little emotional, slightly surreal, and fricking hilarious! We got a kick out of the fact they've built homes over the old sewage pond! YUCK!
9) As my parents were driving to the airport, Ashlee loooked at my mom and said, "Well, I sure am going to miss you mammy." So special!
Mom, Dad and the grandkids!

Dad and Addison. I love this picture.

My parents hooked up the Gosa version of a water slide! It was pretty sweet and Ash and Zach loved it!

Ash all wet!

Mom, Dad, grandma, grandpa and Ash 3 days after gpa's surgery

Here are a couple of pictures I took with my phone at Lake Shawnee. It was really very beautiful!