Sunday, November 29, 2009

Santa can come in pretty handy...

Ashlee is very much 2 these days. She thinks she runs the house and wears the pants in the family and I am constantly battling with her to prove otherwise. Lately, Mr. Kris Kringle has really been helping me out when it comes to discipline. When she won't listen I tell her "Santa is watching you" or when she back-talks me I remind her "Santa only brings present to good girls and boys who LISTEN to their mommy and daddy". Trust me, this is out of complete helplessness that I do this.

Well the other night Ashlee stubbed her toe and would not stop crying (mind you, it had been a long day of back-talking, crying and no-s, so I was at my witts end). She was totally doing the "fake cry" so I knew she wasn't really hurt. In a moment of true desperation I pulled out the Santa-card. I grabbed my phone and said "Ashlee, mommy is going to call Santa and tell him you are not being a good girl today". This didn't seem to bother her so I called Dale and quitely said "I need you to be S-A-N-T-A for minute" (what am I going to do when she can spell???). So I handed Ashlee the phone and told her Santa wanted to talk to her for a minute. Her eyes got big as saucers as she took the phone and said "Hi Santa!" I don't know what Dale said to her, but it worked, and she was an angle the rest of the night.

Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

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