I'm a little late, I know! Unfortunately, because of my back I wasn't able to take Ashlee trick or treating this year. However, we did make it down to my friend Sarah's church for their trick or treat street. It was totally PACKED! We only stayed about 45 minutes, but Ashlee, Austin and Carson still had a blast getting candy (the lollipops were a BIG hit)!
On Halloween night Ashlee and I passed out candy to the neighborhood kids. It has been YEARS since I have been home on Halloween so I didn't know how many kids to expect. Our neighborhood is older, primarily high school kids, so I didn't expect alot of trick or treaters. Let's just say I didn't prepare very well! I was out of candy by 7:45! So I had to turn off most of the lights and bring the pumpkins inside so it looked like we weren't home. :(

Ashlee and Austin. Cutest little princess and cowboy ever!

Ashlee would not let Sarah take her picture, but Sarah got one anyway. HA!

Austin was pretty excited about his goodies!

Ashlee and Lexi. Lexi is wearing Ashlee's old butterfly costume. So cute!
1 comment:
Okay, you can't feel bad about being late on this post, it was my fault! I took forever getting those pics up too!!
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