Yesterday, I took Zues to the vet because he hasn't been able to put weight on one of his back legs for several months now. He never complained, he just laid around alot. Then he stopped eating and I knew something was seriously wrong. I hate to admit this, but I put off going to the vet for at least a week because I KNEW, I just knew what they were going to say... cancer. I HATE CANCER! It has affected so many people that I love dearly, and now it has taken the best four legged friend a family could ask for. If IEVER meet cancer I am going to kick its A**.
We found Zues at the Dumb Friend's League. I fell in love with him from the beginning, Dale wasn't so sure...after all, Zues was slobbering all over the place and his fur was flying everywhere! Looking back I can't help but laugh because its so obvious he was nervous and trying hard to get us to like him. From the moment we brought him home he was such a GOOD dog. He never dug in the yard, never chewed on one single thing in the house, he got along with everyone and all dogs, and he never ran away! He was the sweetest, most lovable companion and friend a family could ask for. And even after he started to get sick and wasn't feeling well, he tolerated Ashlee torturing him day after day, never once snapping at her. She sure loved her "Suessy"!
Zues, we will love you and miss you always. We hope you enjoyed your 11 years with us and that now you are running fast and free in doggy heaven.
Laura--I am tearing up! I am so sorry--I know how much you loved that dog!
Oh my, I am totally crying right now. That is so sad, though after seeing how painful it looked for him to walk last week it is so nice to know he is not in pain anymore. I hope you are all doing okay with this terrible loss. Let me know if there's anything I can do. I know Austin and Carson will miss him too, especially Carson with all the kisses he kept giving him! We love you too Zeus!
I'm so sorry for your loss :-(
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