Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lots and lots of playing..

Oh wow, Ashlee is so lucky to have such great friends to play with all the time! We have so much fun having everyone over for lunch/playtime! Last week, some of her friends (Austin, Carson, Tyler and baby Leah) came over. The weather was a bit chilly, so we stayed in doors and played with playdough! I tell you, that stuff can keep them happy for at least an hour! Then this week they all came over again and we were able to get outside and do BUBBLES! They are all getting so big and independent. I remember when "playing together" meant being in the same room, but not acknowledging each other at all. Now they actually interact and play WITH each other. It's so cute to see their personalities shine through. Austin is the patient one, Ashlee is the typical bossy girl, Tyler is the mischievous one, and Carson is still coming into his own...but I think he's going to be the jokester! :)

Then later in the week we were able to watch baby Lexi for a few hours. As usual, Ashlee would not leave her side. This time though Ash did something new, she went and got one of her babies and copied me on everything I did with Lexi. If I was changing her diaper, Ashlee was changing the baby's diaper, if I was swaying her back and forth, Ashlee was swaying her baby back and get the picture. Dale and I were cracking up! I think one day Ashlee is going to be a wonderful big sister.


More bubbles!

The 4 amigos...sooo cute!

Fun with playdough

Ash keeping Lexi company under her playmat

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