Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New developments...

*Ashlee can count to 10! I have been trying to get it on video, but everytime she says it so quiet you can't hear her.
*She said a 4 word sentence this morning...Mommy's juice all gone!
*She loves to pinch cheeks. Which is so cute when she does it to momma and dadda, but not so cute when she does it to babies!
*When I went in her room this morning, she was already up and had put her shoes and socks on all by herself!
*She has suddenly learned the word MINE and uses it frequently!
*Yesterday at toddler time she actually had fun! It only took her about 15 minutes to warm up ...quite an improvement!

Does ANYONE know how you make them STOP growing up????

1 comment:

srosenau said...

if you find out let me know. i wish we had a pause button.