Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thankful for so much...

Dale, Ashlee and I drove out to Kansas to visit my family for Thanksgiving. We got lucky and missed the snow going both ways...phew! It was sooo nice to see everyone, all my aunts and uncles, grandparents, and my cousin Kevin came in from California (who we hadn't seen in 10 years)!! As usual I ate way too much (my sister made the most amazing home made apple pie), didn't exercise enough, and slept like a baby. Oh, and I didn't change a diaper for at least 2 days...thanks MOM, you rock!

This is only half my family out in KS!! Dale and my grandpa, aren't they cute?

Gramps and I

Mom and dad

Kevin showing off his new phone to Aunt Jean and my sis

Me and my sis

Papa reading to Ashlee and Zach

Aunt Lorie, Uncle Fox, Uncle Tigger and mom

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