Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First day back at swim lessons

Its been awhile since Ash and I took swim lessons, so I thought it'd be fun to get back into them since I'm not working. I enrolled her in the parent/tot classes at Utah pool. Our first lesson was tonight.

Let's just say she was BY FAR the oldest child in the class! Everyone was 1 or under! And I'd also like to mention that my daughter was the only one clinging on to me with dear life! Jeez, you'd think she'd never been in the water before. As the little "ice-breaker" at the beginning they sing Hokey-Pokey. Well, no sooner did I start swishing her around she busted out bawling. Really, she's 3, come one now. I got her calmed down, and after a few more minutes she was actually smiling. Then they had us wrap noodles around them so they could get used to the feeling of swimming on their stomachs and kicking their legs. She looked at me and said "I don't want one of those!" I explained to her that it was just like her Dora life vest. She thought this explanation was sufficient and let me put it on her. She LOVED it! So much so that when lessons were over she was yet bawling AGAIN!

Sometimes you just can't win with a 3 year old! :)

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