to mammy and papa's house we go! The day after Christmas we headed out to my parents house in KS. About 20 minutes outside of Topeka it started raining so hard we could barely see! Luckily, we didn't have much farther to go and arrived safely at my parents house. The next morning we woke up to the most beautiful site! The rain had frozen and everything was covered with a thin layer of ice! With the sun shining it looked like the trees were covered in diamonds! I tried to capture the beauty but this picture doesn't do it justice.

Our visit was 2 fold, to go to my cousin Matt's wedding and my uncle's funeral. The wedding was so beautiful (and BIG, I think there were around 250 people there!) but I couldn't help but think of my Uncle Fox who was not there. Matt's dad (Uncle Fox) died of cancer just 6 days before his wedding. We all knew he was watching, smiling, maybe even dancing, from above. We miss him already.
Dale in a suit and me in a dress? Take a look people because it doesn't happen often!
My princess all dressed up with everywhere to go!