Sunday, September 27, 2009


I wanted to post some updates on Ashlee. Things are going great at her daycare (although I miss her terribly). She loves her teachers, she loves going to school and she seems to be making friends easily. She told me the other day her "favorite friend" is named Cassie. How cute! She really enjoys craft time and her shyness is slowing fading. This all makes me a very happy mom!

Cute little tidbits:
* her new favorite movie is How the Grinch Stole Christmas
*she still loves her babies
*she calls the tutu on her ballerina Pjs her "choo-choo"
*her new favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham
*she wants to be a dragon for Halloween
*she is doing great as using her manners.
*she is totally into knowing peoples names. she calls me Laura all the time and will even ask me what random people's names are.
*she loves playing pretend "happy birthday". she'll go shopping for my birthday, make me a cake, sing the song, pretend to blow out candles, the works!
*last night I was getting ready to go out and she said "Momma, you look pretty. I like your eye makeup."

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