Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I never want to forget...

Things about Ashlee at 2 1/2:

*she thinks rolly-pollys and ladybugs are the coolest things EVER!
*she can count to 20!
*she knows her name starts with A and is starting to visually recognize letters AND numbers
*she knows all her shapes, the ABCs, and colors
*Sesame Street is her favorite (especially Grover)!
*just the other day she brought me a bunch of rocks and sticks and said they "were for my birthday"
*she loves to paint and color
*she is OBSESSED with books and the library
*her favorite songs are Twinkle, twinkle little star, Ba-Ba Black Sheep and ABCs
*how she is trying to understand feelings and tells me when her baby is mad or sad
*speaking of baby, she loves her babies. she pushes them around in the stroller, feeds them, carries them, gives them their pacifiers, takes them shopping with us, the WORKS. its pretty adorable to watch her imagination at work.
*everytime she kisses Dale she tells him she doesn't like his mustache and goatee!

1 comment:

The Whites said...

I love that you wrote this down!! This is so stink'n cute along with your adorable family!! D :)