Tuesday, March 31, 2009

And then we had a blizzard...

If you read my previous post about the wonderful weather we've been having you are probably wondering "wait a minute!" Well, only in Colorado is it 60 one day and 9 inches of snow the next! Believe it or not, I'm not a cold weather person. I just don't enjoy being out in the snow at all (one of the main reasons I don't ski). However, a 2 year old can really wear you down! So after a morning of listening to Ashlee beg, I finally caved in and got us all bundled up to go out in the snow (I told myself someone had to shovel since Dale was out of town)! We had a blast and it was actually pretty warm out! It was so cute to watch her to try navigate around in her new snow boots!

1 comment:


Me too! Hate the snow and cold! How cute is she in her snowsuit though!